If you are wanting to give thumbs up to the Abilities Enabled team or lodge a formal complaint, we would love to hear from you
Compliments, Complaints & Feedback

By giving us feedback you can
- Get the help and support you need
- Change things that make you unhappy
- Help other people who are unhappy
- Help us thank staff who do a good job
- Help us make our services better

Who can give feedback?
- Clients
- Family and friends
- Carers and guardians
- Staff
- Community members

How to give feedback?
- By the Online Form on this page
- In-Person at one of our office locations
- By Phone 02 6882 7352
- By Email [email protected]
Compliments, Complaints & Feedback Form
We welcome any Compliments, Complaints and Feedback at Abilities Enabled. Please use the form below to contact us. Any feedback provided is treated with the utmost confidentiality and care.
Abilities Enabled Complaints Process
This form should be used to submit a complaint, compliment or general feedback about service delivery on behalf of a client, their family, friends or carers, or another stakeholder, e.g. a member of the public. Please note, if you do not wish to provide your name or other details, we will investigate your feedback to the best of our ability with the information provided. However, we will be unable to provide you with a response.
We value your feedback and will respond to all enquiries and concerns raised.
How Your Complaints Will Be Handled
Key Steps of Abilities Enabled’s complaints process:
- The HR will review your complaint and contact you if clarification is required.
- The HR Manager will then conduct an initial assessment of the complaint to determine:
- Severity
- Category
- Area Responsible
- The investigator will Investigate the complaint. Depending on the severity of the complaint it could take anywhere from 4-12 weeks to resolve.
- A formal response to the complaint is prepared and sent to the complainant. (If the complainant has provided contact information).
- If the complainant is satisfied with the outcome, Abilities Enabled will close the complaint. If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, the complaint can be referred to an external agency to conduct the investigation. Abilities Enabled will support.
Additional Avenues of Support
If you feel that your complaint was not handled to your satisfaction, you can also chat with someone external to Abilities Enabled. We do encourage the community to submit any complaints directly to Abilities Enabled, to begin with, as we would love the opportunity to handle the complaint.
NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission
Phone: 1800 035 544
NSW Ombudsman
Phone: 1800 451 524